Xero users can now invite their customers to pay their foreign invoices using Midpoint

London, UK, March 3rd, 2016– Midpoint, the world’s first authentic peer-to-peer (‘P2P’) international foreign currency and payments platform, today announces that it has launched an add-on application that enables users of Xero, the leader in online accounting software, the opportunity not only pay a foreign supplier (creditor) but also sends out a sales invoice from Xero to their customers. This provides a “Pay Now” button included in the email request which facilitates the customer using Midpoint to pay a supplier requesting payment.

This is the latest development in the partnership between Midpoint and Xero, which was announced in July 2015. The integration of the Midpoint platform will enable Xero’s 600,000+ subscribers to save money on their foreign invoices through buying currency at the midpoint of the buy and sell rate.

Brad Lemkus, COO of Midpoint, said: “This development paints a picture of the future of einvoice FX payments. The process is easy and seamless, delivers unbeatable value and simultaneously updates a user’s Xero software, whether a vendor or customer. This further reenforces the partnership between Xero and Midpoint in providing contemporary cost effective solutions to the market by harnessing the power of Cloud-tech, Peer-2-Peer connectivity and user friendly“software as a service applications (SAAS).”

Gary Turner, MD of Xero, commented: “A growing number of our small business customers are trading overseas more frequently, so it is therefore very encouraging to see Midpoint extend their Xero integration with the launch of this new app.”

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